Air Quality Concerns in Our Neighborhood

Since the news broke a week ago that Bullseye Glass has been releasing dangerous levels of airborne arsenic and cadmium, we've heard from numerous People's community members that they are concerned about how this may be effecting our health or contaminating soils. As the factory is located just a few blocks from People's, we're doing our best to stay up to date on developments from community groups, the Department of Environmental Quality, and the Oregon Health Authority. 

To get connected to other concerned people to organize a response, Facebook is a good place to start. A few places to pages in particular provide ample information and are particularly active:

Both are good places to hear about public meetings as they are scheduled, as well as to find out about testing available and be alerted to media coverage. 

The DEQ and OHA are also both updating their websites with developments. The relevant pages are:

Resources included are a map of the affected areas, summaries about what we know so far, updates about information, the OHA hotline to discuss potential health effects, permit information, and more.  


  • We have heard that there have been a few incidents of community members harassing workers at Bullseye. Just a reminder that most Bullseye employees have no control over the chemicals used in production, depend on their work for their livelihood, and have been unduly exposed to those same chemicals that may be affecting the broader community. 
