How Is Your Co-op Serving You?
Give us your feedback through the member-owner and customer surveys! Participants can opt into a raffle for one of ten $50 gift cards! First 300 respondents get an Equal Exchange chocolate bar!
Spring 2022
People’s Food Co-op was built by the community, for the community, and our Member-Owners and shoppers keep this business thriving. Participate in our biennial Member-Owner and Customer survey and let us know how we are doing!
This survey takes 10 - 20 minutes to complete. We appreciate you - our valued Member-Owners and community members. Taking the time to tell us about your experience with the Co-op will help us shape the way we continue to serve our communities.
If you’re a Member-Owner, please take the Member-Owner survey. If you frequent the Co-op but are not a Member-Owner, please take the customer survey.