Get Involved! Run for the Board!
People’s Food Co-op is a democratic business, owned & democratically governed by our Member-Owners.
Any Member-Owner (yes, you!) can run for the Board of Directors or the Nominations & Member Engagement Committee.
This year, we have 3 Board seats & 1 NMEC seat open.
Being a part of these groups can help you foster your growing passion for food systems, expand your career experience, and connect you with our vibrant community. Additionally you get a 15% discount on all your groceries!
All Member-Owners can apply. We encourage Member-Owners who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, Renters, and other marginalized identities to run for the Board! The Board is an integral part of the Co-op, and it is extremely important to have a diverse representation of stakeholders present to increase the Co-op’s ability to better serve our growing community.
This page aims to tell you more about the Board of Directors and their responsibilities. It also contains information about the elections process, including dates and events that you need to get on your calendar if you decide to run. If you have any questions or want to talk with someone about these roles, don’t hesitate to contact the Elections Committee at
Application/Nominations Deadline: April 25, 2025
What is the Board of Directors?
The Board’s role is to articulate the Co-op’s Ends and vision, then set expectations for and monitor how the Collective Management (CM) works within those visions and expectations. Board members don’t participate in activities like choosing what goes on the shelves or hiring, they set policies that guide the CM in these tasks. Both groups have important but separate jobs.
People’s Board of Directors is composed of eight elected Co-op Owners and one Collective Management-elected staff member, sometimes our Directors are also referred to as ‘Board Members.’
Board Directors are normally elected for a term of 3 years and commit to 6 hours of meetings plus additional tasks for a total of about 8 hours a month.
Find out more about what the Board does!
All Member-Owners are welcome to attend our monthly Board of Directors meeting, and Board applicants are required to attend one. Board of Directors meetings are held from 6:00pm-8:30pm on the 4th Tuesday of every month. To attend a meeting, get in contact with us at
Marc Brown, a current Director, wrote a great article explaining a Director’s role. Check it out!
Here’s a fun article that busts myths about being on the Board!
What is the Nominating & Member Engagement Committee (NMEC)?
The Nominating and Member Engagement Committee (NMEC) is an elected group of Member-Owners with two key roles: to run the election from December-June, and to engage with Member-Owners year-round.
NMEC members meet monthly for 1-2 hours with additional commitments totaling about 4 hours a month.
What is the Collective Management?
The Collective Management is our Co-op’s non-hierarchical management structure. Our 21 Collective Co-Managers manage all aspects of our Co-op’s operations, and are held accountable by the Board of Directors.
Who is
The Elections Committee is currently composed of 3 Board Directors, 1 Collective Manager, and 3 Nominations & Member Engagement elected owners. If you have interest in the Elections Committee, let us know, we welcome all!
How to get nominated as a Board or NMEC Candidate
Attend at least one Board Meeting
*Required for Board candidates only. Optional for NMEC candidates.Select your path to nomination:
Nomination Option #1: Submit your Nomination Application
Fill out the application below. Paper applications are also available in-store!
The Elections Committee will review your application, verify that you’re a Member-Owner, and then contact you for an interview you. They will officially nominate you to the ballot based on your relevant skills and experience.
Applications due April 25th.
Nomination Option #2: Nomination by Petition of Member-Owners
Use our nomination petition template below to gather 25 signatures from fellow Member-Owners.* You do not need to submit a nomination application or be interviewed by the Elections Committee if you choose this route!
Scan your petition and email it to or turn it in to a cashier! Once the Elections Committee has verified that there are at least 25 signatures that are all from current Member-Owners, you’ll be officially nominated to the ballot.
Petitions due May 5th.
3. Vote! Encourage others to vote!
4. Attend the Annual Meeting this summer. Date to be determined!
Board of Director Position Description
On behalf of the Member-Ownership, to set the mission of the Co-op as well as limitations for the Collective Management through effective governance and leadership.
Board Directors are elected for a term of 3 years and commit to 6 hours of meetings plus additional tasks for a total of about 8 hours a month. You will need to participate in meetings, mostly via Zoom, check emails, do some independent work like writing or leading discussions, and attend some events in-person at People’s.
People’s offers Directors 15% off all their purchases at the Co-op!
Directors also gain skills through training and experience to support their professional and personal development.
What does a Board Member do?
General duties
Support the mission, vision, values, goals, and objectives of the co-op
Work on board projects
Keep informed on the affairs of the co-op and be prepared to discuss issues before the Board
Evaluate Collective Management’s performance and ensure the financial solvency & integrity of the co-op, based on monitoring reports and external audits
Learn about the natural foods industry and cooperative/democratic organizations
Be the voice of all Member-Owners in decision making
Keep Member-Owners informed about the affairs of the cooperative
Minimum Requirements
Attend monthly Board Meetings and Work Session via Zoom
Actively participate in Board work
Attend at least 1 Co-op event each quarter
Attend the Annual Meeting and other meetings of owners
Attend and participate in one retreat a year plus an orientation
Check emails at least once a week
Communicate openly and respectfully with other Board members, staff, Member-Owners, and others
Required Qualifications
Current Member-Owner of the Cooperative
Commitment to the Seven Cooperative Principles, and our Ends
Basic computer skills, including email and word processing, and online meeting platforms
Ability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities outlined in the job description
Directors shall not have any overriding conflict of interest with the co-op
Other Helpful Qualifications (one or more of these would be helpful, but, again, none are required)
Social Justice experience: Ability to think critically and understand your role in systems of oppression. Ability to see how People’s, as a local institution, can have influence.
Strategic Thinking: Capacity to think outside the box and create an organizational vision
Policy Governance: Experience with governance concepts, practices and specifically Policy Governance
Natural food and retail industry: Knows the trends, opportunities and challenges of the retail industry, specifically the natural food segment
Experience with co-ops: Experience with organizations run as cooperative
Collective-based operations: Experience with organizations run as collectives
Board experience: Knowledge of the qualities of effective boards
Legal knowledge: Ability to read and understand legal language, concepts, bylaws, and other legal materials
Financial acumen: Understanding of financial benchmarks/documents
Community representation: Experience representing a community through engagement
Communication skills: Ability to write articles, public speaking, and other communication with the membership
Familiarity with the concept of Nonviolent Communication
People’s Cooperative Community Fund
In 2007, People’s started the People’s Cooperative Community Fund (PCCF) through the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation (TPCF). People’s contributes 1% of our net profits after taxes to the TPCF, which then loans that money to budding cooperatives and non-profit organizations. Those loans accumulate interest, and we look to our Member-Owners to help us pass that money on to a local organization doing important work in our community.
If you know about a local nonprofit doing work that aligns with our Ends, use the form below to nominate them to receive $1000! Member-Owners will vote on the nominated organizations during the Elections in May, and the two organizations with the most votes will each win $1000.