We're Not Done: Solidarity with Standing Rock

From sacredstonecamp.org

From sacredstonecamp.org

As we wrap up our November drive for the camps at Standing Rock, things are escalating in North Dakota. The Governor has called for the mandatory evacuation of the camp on December 5th.  While the Army Corps of Engineers has stated that they will not forcibly remove anyone from the camp, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Chairman Dave Archambault II said,

“This state executive order is a menacing action meant to cause fear, and is a blatant attempt by the state and local officials to usurp and circumvent federal authority....
If the true concern is for public safety then the Governor should clear the blockade and the county law enforcement should cease all use of flash grenades, high-pressure water cannons in freezing temperatures, dog kennels for temporary human jails, and any harmful weaponry against human beings … The State has since clarified that they won’t be deploying law enforcement to forcibly remove campers, but we are wary that this executive order will enable further human rights violations.”

I worry, too, about how the situation at Standing Rock might escalate along with tensions around the camps and the country. 

It's easy to feel powerless in situations like this. Oregon is far from North Dakota, and while we've been sending money and supplies since September, we're faced with the reality that our goods and our dollars might not be enough. 

Now more than ever, we will do what we can. That means donating the almost $5000 that we've raised at the register in November to the legal defense and medic funds, and continuing to work with people heading to Standing Rock to get the water protectors food and supplies. We've also decided to continue collecting donations, goods, and supplies at the register.

That also means making phone calls to the following folks, urging them to object to the executive order, the restriction of the water protectors to a "free speech zone," and ultimately to rescind the permits of the Dakota Access Pipeline. We can't all go to North Dakota, but there is plenty of action that we can take in Portland and even at home. 

Calling Officials for Standing Rock

Every day of December has been declared a national day of action by organizers at Standing Rock and around the country. We can also show solidarity by calling officials during this time in particular (and taking other action as you are able!). Calling in numbers may get their attention - call once, call daily, share with a friend, host a calling party, or what you can!

Phone Numbers

  • White House: (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
  • White House Situation Room: (202) 456-9431 
  • Army Corps of Engineers: (202) 761-8700
  • National Guard ND: (701) 333-2000 
  • ND Governor Jack Dalrymple: (701) 328-2200 
  • Morton County Sheriff's Dept: (701) 667-3330
  • Morton County Sheriff's Office: (701) 328-8118 

Energy Transfer Partners, the pipeline owner: 

  • Lee Hanse, Executive Vice President: (210) 403-6455
  • Glenn Emery, Vice President: (210) 403-6762 
  • Michael (Cliff) Waters, Lead Analyst: (713) 989-2404

Sample Script for Government Offices & Officials

"My name is _______, and I am calling to object to the Army Corps of Engineers' directive to evacuate Standing Rock protesters to 'free speech zones'. I ask [name of organization or official] not to enforce this directive, to work towards rescinding all permits, and deny the easement to cross the Missouri River just north of the Reservation and straight through treaty lands."

Sample Script for Sheriff's Offices

"My name is _______, and I am calling to object to the Army Corps of Engineers' directive to evacuate Standing Rock protesters to 'free speech zones'. I ask [name of sheriff or town/county] not to enforce this directive, to allow water protesters to exercise their right to peaceful assembly/protest, and to immediately stop attacking water protectors with tear gas, water cannons, hoses, or other violent means, and refrain from
arresting/interfering with peaceful demonstrators."

Thank you to Kathleen Rose for the use of these scripts. 

Background & Additional Information

The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is owned by Energy Transfer Partners, based in Houston, Texas. The pipeline would transport 450,000 barrels of fracked crude oil per day from the Bakken fields in North Dakota to Illinois. 

The builders of the pipeline did not consult tribes or produce an environmental impact statement. The proposed route crosses the confluence of the Missouri River and the Cannon Ball River, an area of cultural and spiritual significance for area tribes. It also poses huge environmental risks. DAPL would cross over the Ogallala Aquifer (one of the largest aquifers in the world) and under the Missouri River twice (the longest river in the United States). The possible contamination of these water sources from a pipeline leak makes the Dakota Access pipeline a national threat.