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Board Book Club Meeting

Join the People's Board of Directors' Book Club! The Board of Directors' Book Club focuses on books that explore topics related to our Co-op's Ends Statement, and everyone is welcome!

This year, the Board is uplifting this End: "Thriving cooperative and local economies." All the books we'll read this year will relate to this End, and the first book we're reading is Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants by Jon Steinman.

This book is an excellent start to the book club as it truly identifies the power and potential of co-ops as an alternative grocer, and “shows how co-ops spur the creation of local food-based economies and enhance low-income food access.” (Steinman) Steinman visited us on August 13th for an author talk and workshop for our Co-op Board, Collective Management, and wider community.

Our first Book Club meeting will be on Thursday, August 25th at 6:00pm via Zoom.

There's no need to bring the book to this first meeting, but come prepared to meet new folks and to help select future meeting dates.

You can purchase a physical copy Grocery Story from our neighbors at Third Eye Books by placing a special order or choosing their store on Or you can support them by selecting their store when buying the audiobook on Options to purchase the book directly from Jon are available on the book's website.

RSVP and receive the Zoom link by emailing If you're one of the first to RSVP, you could win a free copy of Grocery Story!*

Please join us! We're excited to co-create this book club with you, our community.

*While supplies last. Winners will be notified via email.