Rutabaga Fries with Paprika & Caraway Ketchup


  • About one medium rutabaga per person

  • Oil, enough to cover an inch of a pot or pan

  • Salt

  • Paprika

  • Ketchup

  • A tablespoon or two of caraway seeds

Peel and trim the rutabaga. Lob off the bottoms first, so they have sturdy footing as you trim around the edges. Cut into 1/4 inch disks, then further into your desired fry-shape. 

Heat the oil in a particularly heat conductive pan; a copper bottom Revereware pan is great for this. 

In a separate, dry pan, toast plenty (a teaspoon or two) of caraway seeds over medium heat. When they are fragrant, take them off the heat and tip into a mortar or onto a cutting board. Smash or chop them up, then stir into your preferred store bought ketchup. 

When the oil is quite hot for the frying, add the pieces of rutabaga a few at a time.

Using tongs to turn the pieces and remove them, use your own judgement/preference for deepening color and crispness. Remove to a baking sheet lined with paper towels to drain onto. Hold in an oven set to 200º until all the fries are done. Remove the paper towel, blotting once more.

Sprinkle on paprika and salt. Place until the broiler until starting to crisp. Turn over the pieces, repeat. Or simply roast in the oven for 5-10 minutes, turned up to 400º. When the fries have been re-crisped and the paprika is going dark, take them out, toss on a little more paprika and salt, then eat immediately with the caraway ketchup.


Recipe courtesy of Andrew Barton, photo credits Peter Schweitzer.