As the climate shifts around the globe, it is increasingly important for the permaculture designer to understand global trends and incorporate sound design to mitigate negative impacts. This talk focuses on looking at scientific projections of future scenarios from the lens of several climate classification systems, learning about analogue (similar) climates, and determining the major design essentials for resilience to future (and present) changes.
By analyzing the agro-ecologies of other global locales that match our region's climate change projections, we are more well-equipped to assess and implement local strategies for food system adaptation and resilience.
About the Presenter
Andrew Millison has been studying, teaching and practicing Permaculture since he took his first design course in 1996. He started teaching Permaculture at the college level in 2001, and has been an instructor at OSU in the Horticulture Department since 2009. He embedded himself within Oregon State University, and created the first Permaculture Massive Open Online Course with over 40,000 students. Working at a major state university, he has worked to promote the acceptance of permaculture into a mainstream academic institution.
Cost of event: $20 at the door, nobody turned away for lack of funds.