Curious about what people eat on a Whole-Foods Plant-Based (WFPB) diet? Join WFPB enthusiast Linda Hendrickson to learn what foods provide superior nutrition, and how to make them part of your life. Participants will sample and see how easy it can be to make delicious, satisfying, and nutrient-dense dishes.
Linda bases her approach on G-BOMBS and the Daily Dozen. G-BOMBS is the acronym for Dr. Joel Fuhrman's daily recommendations of Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries & Seeds. The Daily Dozen, recommended Dr. Michael Greger, is Beans, Berries, Other Fruits, Cruciferous Vegetables, Greens, Other Vegetables, Flaxseeds, Nuts, Whole Grains, Turmeric, Water, and Exercise.
Event is free but please reserve your space here: