October is a time for returning inward and thinking about nourishing the soil for the garden in the year to come. It is time for parts of the garden to go to bed for the winter. This class will highlight soil building methods including mulches, composting, leaf mold and more. We will discuss types of cover crops for building soil tilth and fixing nitrogen. Garlic goes in the ground this month for summer harvest. We will talk about the different types of garlic and best varieties for our region.
As always, this class will highlight what is happening in the garden in October, how to tend to your garden, and prepare for the coming month. Handouts will include a to do list for the month, information on soil building methods, and other pertinent information.
These classes are available as individual events ($25 each). 20% off discount for People's Food Coop members – just be in touch with Marisha by email at marisha.permaculturerising@gmail.com to get the discount code.