The Sierra Club and our partners invite you to attend a free screening of the new National Geographic documentary 'From the Ashes' on Friday the 14th of July at the People's Food Co-op in Portland. This event is open to the public and we encourage as many people to attend as possible.
See the trailer here:
The documentary is "a compelling look at the lives and issues behind the “war on coal”" in America. It has been described by Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as “Heartbreaking and enlightening at the same time. A must-watch for everyone because we should all be in this together.” The documentary is both an execellent educational tool and a motivational tool to encourage citizens to take action against using coal as an energy source.
Our local efforts to stop coal exports are featured in this film, including public hearings on the Longview coal export terminal. Coal plants located in Montana which send electricity to the Portland area - and the coal mines that feed those coal plants - are also featured in the film. This documentary offers a great way to see our local work fighting coal in the broader context of moving away from coal across the nation.
This documentary raises awareness around the importance of establishing clean energy alternatives in our country, which will bring immense health, employment and environmental benefits.
The documentary will run for 80 minutes, followed by a brief Q&A and community discussion about the issues raised in the film.
Please come join us and bring a friend.
Facebook Event Link-