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Vegan Iron Chef Potluck for Social Change

Join together to raise funds for those who will be most impacted by the new administration, share vegan food and share your ideas for making the world a better place.

Tickets are by donation--if you bring a dish to share, we recommend that you donate between $10 and $25, and if you just come to eat (which is totally fine!) we recommend you donate between $25 and $50, but it's fine to donate what you can afford! Work trade is also an option.

Sign up in advance to present a project you're working on to make the world a better place and tell attendees how they can get involved. 

Proceeds benefit Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, a national non-profit civil rights organization formed in 1968 to protect the rights of Latinos in the United States, and Unite Oregon, an organization led by people of color, immigrants and refugees, rural communities, and people experiencing poverty who work across Oregon to build a unified movement for social justice. 

Earlier Event: December 9
Member-Owner Tai Chi