Ayurveda recommends cleanses in autumn because cells full of internal pollution and toxic substances mutate and grow unhealthy, creating all sorts of disease conditions in the body. Cells start to hold onto pollution and toxic substances when they have lost their juju, their juice. Dehydrated cells cannot do their jobs well.
The dry air of autumn has a way of exacerbating the excess heat we built up over the summer. The Ayurvedic autumn cleanse is an age old process of rehydration and oleation (oleic acid is a common component of natural fat) of the vital organs and internal tissues that are dried out from the summer heat, stress and/or processed foods.
If you wake up on cold mornings with a sore throat it is a sign that a long hot summer has caused your pitta (fire) to rise and leave it’s seat (small intestines, liver) and is creating disturbances in the body. Other signs are dry skin, anxiety, insomnia and indigestion. This ancient cleanse is about using food to naturally and gradually call the fire home and ground it in the body - we are going to need it over the winter!
Free and open to all. Register online or call the co-op. Taught by Susan Bass. http://www.theartofdigestion.com/