board of directors

Myth Busters--People’s Food Co-op Board of Directors Edition

Myth Busters--People’s Food Co-op Board of Directors Edition

By Marc Brown, Director

Myth #1: I don’t have the skills needed to serve on the board.

Truth #1: Everyone has the skills needed to serve on the board of People’s! The only requirement is that you are a Member-Owner of People’s Food Co-op (if you’re not sure if you are, or would like to become one, email us here).  The Board’s strength comes from the diversity of skills that the board members bring to it. Everyone has skills and those skills add to the diversity and strength of the Board.  

Myth #2: I do not know anything about running a cooperative grocery store or running any grocery store for that matter, so I shouldn’t run for the Board.

Truth #2: Very few directors on the Board know anything about running a grocery store or any store.  The Board of People’s is a governance board and not an operational board.  That means that the Board is not involved in the day-to-day operations of the store.  People’s has an excellent and dedicated collectively managed staff that knows how to run the store.  The Board governs the cooperative corporation through policies. The Board governs by ensuring that the Board and staff are meeting board policies. 

Myth #3: You mentioned policies.  I hear that you use a system called Policy Governance.  I have no idea what that means and so I cannot be a director.

Truth #3: The Board trains every new director on Policy Governance.  Very few individuals know anything about Policy Governance when they begin to serve on the Board.  But within a year, the new directors are Policy Governance experts, a handy skill they carry on beyond their term on the Board. 

Myth #4: I previously served on the board of a non-profit and it was very challenging with many heated discussions about how the group could best advocate. I don’t want to sign up for more stress like that. 

Truth #4: People’s Food Cooperative is not a non-profit.  It is a cooperatively owned corporation which runs a for-profit business—our grocery store.  Each Member-Owner owns one share of the co-operative corporation and with that one share, each Member-Owner has one vote.  The directors represent the owners much like any corporate board of a company like Apple or Pepsi or Columbia Sportswear, but the big difference is that WE OWN IT.  It is our corporation.  Additionally, the Board of People’s uses a consensus model of decision-making.  Rather than voting to make decisions, we hold discussions to hear everyone’s point of view, find a happy medium or compromise and then move forward together. This seems to reduce much of the tension and animosity that is sometimes experienced on boards that operate on a majority rules model. 

Myth #5: I do not have the time to serve on the Board.

Truth #5: It is true that serving on the Board does take time.  Probably a minimum of 6 hours a month.  Some directors put in additional time on projects and committees.  However, much of that time is spent working with and around interesting people who are passionate about food access, social justice, human rights, equity and equality, and economic opportunities.  And, all directors get a 15% discount on their purchases at People’s for their efforts.  

VOTE! It's Election Time!

Election season is here! 

People’s is proud to be a community owned and democratically controlled business.  One of the ways we make this happen is by electing our Board of Directors in our annual summer election.  Board Directors are Member-Owners just like you, and are elected to represent the voice of our community.  The Board of Directors is responsible for the financial health of the co-op and making sure the Collective Management is running the store in the best way possible.  

Here are the FOUR candidates running for THREE open seats on the Board of Directors.  

Isaac Hart grew up on an organic farm, is passionate about nutrition, health, and wellness, and has 15 years of experience in business leadership, training, and facilitation.

"For a long time I've really appreciated what People's has to offer my family and I.  I want to give back to the co-op and help support it so it will continue to be a thriving place for our next generation.  I have skills that I think apply to this position and would like to put them to use toward work that I care about".  

Mallory Cochrane is a worker-owner at Our Table Co-operative in Sherwood, OR where she manages the producers cooperative and direct to consumer sales.  She recently completed a Masters degree in Food Systems and Society at Marylhurst University and is passionate about developing a cooperative economy and sustainable food system.  

"I hope to learn from People's experience as an established and mature co-op that will help Our Table grow in a similar way.  I also hope to be part of and facilitate a shift in consciousness around how we access food, grow food, make food, and the relationships we cultivate to get there."

Josh Monifi is a familiar face at People's, a Wednesday Farmers' Market HOO (Hands-On-Owner), and a former Board Member, Josh is excited to run for the Board again.  "People's is a great community that I want to give back to.  I want to help shape its future and offer my input towards large decisions that need to be made.  I'd like to contribute even more to the co-op than just my weekly shopping budget."

Ronnette Steed is excited about building community and getting closer to her food system.  "Throughout my life I have sought positions that allow me to work with others and build relationships.  I have a passion for buildling and protecting local food systems...I enjoy coming together with others to envision future potential and establishing processes so that potential can be met."



Voting Is An Important Way To Have A Say In The Future Of Our Co-Op. 

Here are some opportunities for you to get to know who's running for the Board:

  • Meet the Candidates @ June Board of Directors Meeting - June 23, 6-8:30pm 
  • Meet the Candidates @ the Farmers' Market - July 1, 2-7pm


Farmers' Market Advisory Committee

This year we will also be electing a community member to represent the voice of the people for our first ever, Market Advisory Committee.  The Market Advisory Committee (MAC) will serve the Farmers' Market and its patrons.  It will consist of 3 Farmers' Market vendors, 2 Collective Managers and one community member.  

Here are the TWO candidates running for ONE open seat on the MAC. 

Timothy Bartling - "I love meeting the farmers and producers and would like to be active in my home market where I visit, shop, and socialize every week.  Overall, I think the market really works!  I don't buy from every vendor, but feel there is a good mix.  I would like to see some changes in how the co-op relates to the shoppers, and the map sometimes feels a bit wonky to me in how stalls are set up."



Daniela Steiner - "By participating in the Farmers' Market, we are supporting our community - the land and water, the people and other creatures that make up the place where we live.  At the same time, we are rescuing a little piece of our lives and of our local economy from corporate dominance.  I am interested in working on finding more funding for the SNAP Matching program and switching from disposable to durable dishes and utensils for prepared food."

People's Cooperative Community Fund

Which community organization will receive $1000 from People's?

The PCCF Fund was started in 2007 through the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation (TPCF).  Donations and contributions from our Member-Owners, suppliers and the store's profits build this fund.  TPCF loans that money to budding cooperatives and community organizations in need of resources. 

The nominees are:

The Treehouse Nursery and Preschool

Montavilla Food Co-op

The Curriculum of Cuisine

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)

Cerimon House

Portland Copwatch