Edible Perennials with Stephen Barstow 8/29 & 8/30


Edible Perennial Veggies for Temperate Climates: Power Point talks by Stephen Barstow. 

Saturday, 8/29, 7:30-8:30pm - Free 1 hour talk. 

Sunday, 8/30, 6-9pm - 3 hour slide talk. Suggested donation $10-25

Edible perennials can be some of the easiest and most productive veggies to grow, as well as the most nutritious and tastiest to eat.  They are resilient to climate variability.  Growing them sequesters carbon in the soil.  Stephen Barstow has trialed 3,000 varieties of edible perennials in over 30 years of gardening on 1/4 acre in near-arctic Norway, and has impeccably accurate and encyclopedic knowledge on the subject.  

Many of the plants that he will discuss are completely new to most of us, many are common in gardens, many are viewed as "weeds."   The keywords here are accessibility and empowerment.  Most of the plants are leafy greens.

The class on 8/29 is a short introduction to what he will share in the upcoming longer talks and discussion of about 10 edible perennials. Stephen will share resources and research techniques and there will be opportunities for questions.  He will give a second talk on the subject at People's on Sunday 8/30 and a third at Taborspace on Monday 8/31.

Free and open to all.  Click here or call People's to register. 

Stephen's new book, "Around the World in 80 Plants: An Edible Perennial Vegetable Adventure for Temperate Climates" is believed by many to be the best book on the subject, read the reviews here.  An experienced, skilled, delightful, generous and empowering teacher, Stephen shares knowledge about use and cultivation of edible perennials learned from his own experience and from people in cultures around the world.   He acquired this knowledge from groups keeping the traditions alive, from diligent research and experimentation, and from extensive world travel as an oceanographer.