The Bounty Basket program has been reenvisioned as an open food pantry, which we are calling People’s Pop-Up Pantry. People’s Pop-Up Pantry will offer an array of foods and other products that have been donated to us by several of our generous food vendors.
This will be a first-come, first-served pantry where folks can come in and choose the items that best fit their needs. We do ask that folks who attend this pantry be mindful that our supplies are limited, and to take only what you need so that other folks can benefit from this pantry, too.
We will offer a limited number of $10 Farmers’ Market Vouchers for folks who want them. These will also be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
People’s Community Room is located on the 2nd floor up a flight of stairs. It’s also accessible by elevator lift – just let a cashier know you need to use it and they will help you.